2025 Summer League

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Level Placement Date
Tuesday July 8th @ Champions Hall
All 4th-6th Graders : 5pm to 7:00pm (4:30pm check-in time)
All 7th-9th Graders : 7:30pm to 9:30pm (7:00pm check-in time)
Must register online!  We will close registration once we reach a max limit of 160.

Who can do it?
Girls going into 4th-9th grade this fall
Everyone makes a team and players will be put on each team based on skill level.

When are practices?
Mondays & Wednesdays from 5-7pm or 7-9pm at Champions Hall
First week, 2nd practice will be Thursday July 10th.

When and who do we play?
The summer league format is similar to the Molten Series.  You play 2 matches each Thursday (officiate once) from 6-9pm for 4 consecutive weeks through July and early August.  You compete 6 vs 6 against other clubs in the Twin Cities.  Typical hosting sites for league play are at M1 (Bloomington), Crossfire (Champlin Park) and Kokoro (St. Paul).

Summer League Coaches :
Alva Fraenkel
Antonio Amador
Brooke Schuler
Brooklyn Weise
Kennedy Tutak
Lauren Barker
Liv Garnett
McKenna Simmons
Olivia Wagner
Paige Hansen
Peyton Peppler
Sophia Prins
Zoe Schuele

Tryout & Practice Location

Champions Halls
7000 Washington Ave S.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Refund Policy
– Full payment will be made when you register
– If you decide not to play and notify us before June 1st we will give you a 100% refund
– If you decide not to play and notify us between June 2nd and June 15th, we will give you a 50% refund
– If you decide not to play and notify us June 16th and later, no refund will be given.

Summer League 2025
League Dates4 Thursdays 6-9pm:
July 17, July 24, July 31 & August 7
Coaches per Team1
Practices per Week2 - Mon & Wed, 5-7pm or 7-9pm
Fees$475 - full payment will be made when registering
Ages4th to 9th graders (the grade you will be entering the fall of 2025)
Number of Players Per TeamApproximately 8-10 kids per team

Register Now

For any questions please email us at vvc@vitalvolleyball.com.